
Team Info
Rating 86.55 Mascot Eagles
Rankings Location n/a
Record 13-6-0 Head Coach Steve Lennon
Goals (GF-GA) 165-132 Website n/a
Division(s) Social Media n/a
Date Opponent W/L/T Score GD Opp Rating Points +/-
2016-03-31 Westlake W 6 - 4 2 83.38 85.38 -1.17
2016-04-05 Tappan Zee W 11 - 2 9 83.94 92.94 6.39
2016-04-07 Mamaroneck L 2 - 10 -8 89.33 81.33 -5.22
2016-04-09 Byram Hills W 7 - 5 2 82.42 84.42 -2.13
2016-04-12 Fox Lane L 5 - 13 -8 91.53 83.53 -3.02
2016-04-15 Pelham Memorial L 7 - 12 -5 86.89 81.89 -4.66
2016-04-16 Clarkstown North W 9 - 4 5 80.49 85.49 -1.06
2016-04-19 New Rochelle W 14 - 6 8 77.29 85.29 -1.26
2016-04-21 Scarsdale W 9 - 6 3 88.81 91.81 5.26
2016-04-23 Arlington W 12 - 8 4 84.60 88.60 2.05
2016-04-28 Archbishop Stepinac W 9 - 7 2 83.24 85.24 -1.31
2016-04-30 Harrison L 10 - 13 -3 85.36 82.36 -4.19
2016-05-03 Rye HS L 5 - 10 -5 88.57 83.57 -2.98
2016-05-05 White Plains W 9 - 2 7 85.98 92.98 6.43
2016-05-10 Pearl River W 14 - 4 10 77.10 87.10 0.55
2016-05-12 Somers W 8 - 7 1 87.95 88.95 2.40
2016-05-16 Nyack W 13 - 2 10 78.22 88.22 1.67
2016-05-18 Tappan Zee W 9 - 3 6 83.94 89.94 3.39
2016-05-21 Yorktown L 6 - 14 -8 93.67 85.67 -0.88
Totals 13-6-0 165-132 32 1612.71 1644.71 0.26
Averages 1.68 84.87 86.56 0.01
Note: The maximum goal differential for any one game is 10. The average goal differential (GD) should equal this team's AGD from the rankings page. The average "Opp Rating" should equal this team's SCHED. The average "Points" is the team's rating. The average "+/-" should equal 0.00, but it is possible that rounding errors of 0.01 will occur occasionally. Larger error numbers indicate that a game scores has been changed or deleted since the last ratings calculation. The points and +/- columns give you an indication as to whether the team did better or worse than expected based upon LaxNumbers's ratings. Positive +/- numbers mean the team did better than expected and "helped" its rating. Games with negative numbers mean the team performed worse than expected.